I remember my brothers playing with Matchbox cars when we were children and then my oldest son (now 17) and now one of my 4 year old sons favorite toys is Matchbox cars and lets not forget Super Heroes whats any kids childhood without a Super Hero my youngest sons favorite if you can't tell is Spider man.
Matchbox® Heroes Wanted Sweepstakes calls on parents to celebrate the heroic
attributes of their children by submitting a picture and caption of their hero-in-training
dressed as their favorite real-life icon. Submissions will be showcased on the
Matchbox® Heroes Wanted™ Facebook gallery and are automatically entered to win
the grand prize – a $60,000 college scholarship. Parents with children between
three and 10 years old can enter the contest now through May 13, 2013. Sixty prize
pack giveaways will be awarded weekly consisting of a Matchbox® branded gift
box, a personalized photo-frame thank you card and four heroic Matchbox®
vehicles. To learn more about the contest and read stories from the heroes that
inspired Matchbox® vehicles, visit www.Matchbox.com/Heroes.
(Disclosure:I was compensated for this article it is a sponsored campaign with MomSelect,However all opinions are 100% my own)
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